York Pirates!

Bermuda Digital Entertainment - Engineering 1 - Team 7

Information about the planning of the project can be found here in the form of Gantt Charts and Github Issues screenshots.

Gantt Chart

View Final Plan PDF here View on Google Drive here

Here are snapshots of our Gantt Chart taken throughout the project.

1 sprint 1

3 sprint 3

6 sprint 6

7 sprint 7

8 sprint 8

Github Issues

View Issues Board Here

We decided to use Github Issues over Trello, which was used by our predecessors Team 14, as we found their features to be very similar, our project was already stored in Github and this meant we did not have to sign up for and familiarise ourselves with a new service.

We created milestones for which each issue was assigned to. At first we started with week long sprints, but later decided that two-week sprints were more suitable for our team’s working style.

Here are snapshots of each milestone.

1 sprint 1

2 sprint 2

3 sprint 3

6 sprint 6

7 sprint 7

8 sprint 8